On the Tobacco Coast

On the Tobacco Coast

It is July 4, 2019, and the Masons are gathering on their Chesapeake farm for a day of family activities, but the past, and the weight of history, is always upon them. “Elegant, boisterous and moving,” says Vogue Magazine.

The Novels of Mason’s Retreat

With the publication of On the Tobacco Coast, Christopher Tilghman has completed his quartet of novels about an historic Chesapeake Bay farm called Mason’s Retreat. “. . . One of the epic projects in recent American literature” says novelist Jonathan Dee.

Chris Tilghman

Author Chris Tilghman
Photo: Jill Meriwether

Mason's Retreat-Christopher Tilghman

The Depression is raging and the Second World War is brewing, and an American ex-patriot family returns to a decaying family mansion on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. “Rich. . . bewitching. . . unforgettably rendered. . . .”  Richard Eder, Los Angeles Times.

The Right-Hand Shore-Christopher Tilghman

In Reconstruction Maryland, a new generation attempts to remake the farm called Mason’s Retreat, but the blight of the slaveholding past remains. “Tilghman’s exquisite third novel returns to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to prefigure the events of his first, Mason’s Retreat. . . . The tale’s descent into tragedy is nevertheless beautiful.” Publisher’s Weekly, (starred review)

Thomas and Beal in the Midi-Christopher Tilghman

A young interracial couple from America tests the tolerance of Belle Époque France and its own commitment to a marriage that could not be permitted in Post-Reconstruction Maryland. “Lushly written . . . .A recurring theme of innocent, even naïve Americans . . . recalls Henry James, as do the novel’s astute psychological insights. . . . seductively lovely” – Kirkus Reviews